Our story


Our story


“The role of a creative leader is not to have all the ideas; it’s to create a culture where everyone can have ideas and feel they are valued.”

— Ken Robinson


 Mauve was born within a dream, a figmented possibility that two motivated gals came together to create.

Ask either of us and the first thing we will say is... “I couldn’t do it without her”
Our partnership is one that doesn’t come into fruition by chance ... we were meant to take this journey together.

Optimism has fueled our quest to build a busy and luxurious environment for our stylists to thrive in. Our goal is to be able to support each stylist to the best of our ability , allowing each person to have the most success possible.

With this being said, we wouldn’t be where we are now without each and every stylist that has been a part of our history and our now.

And with out all of our clients none of this would be possible....

So here is to each and everyone of you that made Mauve what it is today.... what made our dream come true.

Mauve Family

Our promise is to cultivate an environment that is professional, beautiful, relaxed and inspiring. A place for each stylist to embrace their ambitions and for each guest to find tranquility..